After setting up an inter-functional task force composed of in-house experts in the sectors of medical services, public health and sanitation, hotel services, HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), on-board engineering systems and technology IT and logistics, MSC Cruises also made use of the support of a group of experts from Aspen Medical to further implement its health and safety protocol.
"Today I am happy to announce that the work of our task force will be further supported by the training and commitment of the 'Blue Ribbon COVID Expert Group', a super team of experts for the verification of safety protocols, the planning of activities and specialized advice to increase knowledge on the subject," said Pierfrancesco Vago, Executive Chairman of MSC Cruises. "These are top experts in the fields of medicine, public health and related scientific disciplines who will form a highly qualified and internationally recognized team to inform and review our initiatives in relation to COVID-19, thus helping to ensure that actions taken are appropriate, effective and in line with the best available scientific and health practices, and for this reason, the group of experts will have the task of reviewing the policies, technical innovations or operational measures related to COVID-19. group will continue well beyond the resumption of our operations, thus ensuring that the skills and practices acquired are always available, also following the evolution of the situation and data ".
The team of experts was personally formed by the Company's Executive Chairman and includes: Professor Christakis Hadjichristodoulou, professor of hygiene and epidemiology at the faculty of medicine, Faculty of health sciences (as well as Vice President), of the University of Thessaly, Greece; Professor Stephan J. Harbarth, epidemiologist and infectious disease specialist at the head of the antimicrobial management program of the Geneva university hospitals (HUG) and the faculty of medicine; Dr. Ian Norton, a specialist in emergency medicine with postgraduate qualifications in Surgery, international health and tropical medicine, currently managing director of Respond Global, former head of the program of initiatives for emergency medical teams of the
The new operational protocol of MSC Cruises - the details of which will be announced shortly - has been designed to meet and exceed the guidelines provided by the main international and regional regulatory and technical bodies including the World Health Organization, the EU Healthy Gateways Joint Action and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), as well as regulations established by many governments in the countries where MSC Cruises operate.